If you have finally decided not to rent a car during your stay, find below other means of transportation for those you may opt to get around Corralejo and the island.
Taxis Corralejo
The approximate cost of a taxi from the accommodation to Corralejo's center or main beaches is approx. 5/6 euros. Driving to Airport takes about 35 minutes and the approximate cost is 45 euros. For more information, call indicated number or click on the image below from Corralejo Taxi.
Phone: (34) 928 537 441 (+34) 928 866 108
Tiadhe Bus Company has several regular lines that connect Corralejo with the rest of places on the island. If you want to know the nearest stop, routes and schedules click on the image:
Phone: (+34) 928 855 726
Rental bikes, bicycles and others
There are numerous places to rent bikes, Bicycles Business, quads, electric scooters and the like to move around the townand surrounding areas.
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